3 Ways Text Messaging Improves Organizational Operations

With open rates as high as 98% compared to just 20% for emails, it does not take the proverbial rocket scientist to recognize the power of text messaging (SMS).
What many employers fail to realize, however, is the potential for text messaging to enhance internal communications.
Improve HR Efficiency with Text Messaging
If you run an HR department of any size, half the battle is getting employees to respond to your emails. If they do not open your emails, how are they going to respond?
Open enrollment just ended. Who missed it?
Employees are fuming at a recent mandate meant to help them do their jobs more effectively. How do you encourage them to share their dissatisfaction?
The answer to all these very real HR problems lies in text messaging. With text messaging, satisfaction surveys and links to benefits plans can be sent with the click of a button.
Increase Safety with Text Messaging
If you manage people — whether at a school or on a construction job site, safety is your number one concern.
If you need to send out an urgent message, do you really want it to compete with everything else in your employees’ inboxes? Some reports estimate the average American worker receives well over 100 emails daily.
When it comes to a communication that pertains to your employees’ safety, text messaging is the only effective means to deliver it.
With text messaging, a safety communication can do something emails often can’t — capture your employees’ attention.
Streamline Communications with Text Messaging
Text messaging provides leadership, managers and HR professionals with a communication platform that can be automated, monitored and adjusted to suit diverse goals and objectives.
Need to remind staff about an important recurring meeting? Schedule and send a text message. Need to reschedule that meeting on the fly? Send a text message.
Just released your new agency newsletter? Send a text message.
If you are looking for a way to inform, engage and educate your staff, there is simply no easier — or more effective — tool than text messaging.