Three Ways Construction Companies Benefit From Text Messaging

Text Messaging is a great communication tool for many industries, but for some it is essential. This is particularly true of the construction industry where schedules and safety may be impacted by a variety of factors with little to no notice. Group text messaging allows construction companies to broadcast up-to-the-minute, global crew alerts when minutes matter.
#1 Improve Overall Communications with Text Messaging
An omnichannel approach to communication is critical because not everyone has or checks email, and phone calls are not always possible. Text messaging can bridge this gap because almost everyone (97% of US adults) has a mobile phone. And on top of that, people keep their phones with them and check their phones close to 100 times per day. Text messages aren’t just received – they’re read.
#2 Help Ensure Safety with Text Messaging
When it comes to construction safety, time is often of the essence. For example, in the case of inclement weather or an accident, communication needs to be immediate and reach everyone. With mass text messaging, everyone on a crew, large or small, can be notified instantly with a single text message. Public safety can also be enhanced with text messaging programs for residents, for instance when construction projects impact roadways.
#3 Save Time and Money with Text Messaging
Calling everyone on a crew is time consuming and can require additional administrative staff, which costs money. Emails take time to compose and send, often requiring a computer, and they may be caught in spam filters. A text message, on the other hand, takes minutes to compose and send, and can be sent from the field via a mobile phone. In general, group text messaging minimizes confusion and reduces time and resource-consuming back and forth actions.
For more information, read How Blattner Energy Uses TextMarks SMS to Streamline Communications, Enhance Safety, and Control Costs.