Four Marketing Resolutions to Make in 2014

Oh no! Not another article about New Year resolutions. Not to worry. These resolutions aren’t just for making you feel like you’re turning a new leaf in 2014. They can actually help your business, boost your customer base, and make your group SMS marketing account work for you. While everyone else is resolving to go to the gym, learn a second language, or stop smoking, you can make the following simple decisions to see real results for your brand:


1. I will make the most of my SMS marketing account. Perhaps going in you had modest goals for your group SMS account. You may have figured the occasional text message and periodic coupon code would be enough. If this is the case, we invite you to broaden your marketing horizons in the new year. Look into your account and study the features. Do you have an allowance for extra keywords? Do you have access to advanced analytics? You get your money’s worth in every other aspect of business. Time to make sure your get it in SMS marketing as well.

2. I will be more interactive. As easy as it is to maintain a strict “sender-receiver” relationship with your market, making group SMS a two-way street is more fun for your subscribers and potentially more lucrative for your business. People love knowing there are actual humans behind those often impersonal text messages. Take out some time every month to open your account to questions and suggestions. Then craft a thoughtful response either through SMS or a medium more conducive to long-form messages, such as a website or newsletter. A little back-and-forth goes a long way toward subscriber retention.

3. I will ask for more subscribers. Not “suggest,” not “imply,” not “hope.” There’s no room for passive marketing in the 2014 version of your business. Develop the habit of explicitly asking your customers to subscribe to your SMS group. You will, of course, need to explain the features and benefits of your campaign, but it is that call to action that will grow your market for years to come. Customers respect non-pushy aggression. It shows valuable confidence in your business.

4. I will not obsess over SMS marketing. This is especially important if you just started using group SMS marketing in the past month or two. As much advice as you’re going to receive here and other places, sometimes the most important thing you can do for your marketing campaign is take the occasional break. Spend time with those customers who prefer face-to-face interaction. Delegate some of your mobile marketing duties to trusted team members. Avoid the pitfalls for burnout and your campaign will always appear fresh and exciting.

Are you making any resolutions for your business? We’d love to hear about them. And make sure January isn’t the only time you plan changes for your marketing practices. With a constant mind toward evolution, you’ll never have to worry about another New Year resolution again.

Eric Duncan

Eric Duncan writes about Marketing for TextMarks--The industry leading SMS Marking & Communications platform.

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