New TextMarks Feature: Send Alerts from a Cell Phone

We’re proud to announce a new feature: send an alert from a cell phone.

Did you ever want to alert the people who have subscribed to your keyword without logging into your account?  Now you can!  Just login to your TextMarks account or create a free 30 day trial if you haven’t already.  Choose the keyword you’d like to manage from a phone.  In the menu titled “Admin/Settings”, choose “Co-managers”.

From there, enter the phone number of the phone you’d like to manage that keyword.  You can later revoke these permissions should you choose to.

Once you’ve added a number, you can send an alert by sending a message with the following text:


For instance, let’s say your keyword is BAR and you want to send the message “$3 Beer if you come to our Bar before 6pm and show this text.  Tell Your Friends!”

To send this, you’d text:

"ALERT BAR $3 Beer if you come to our Bar before 6pm and show this text.  Tell Your Friends!"

Your message would then be delivered to your subscribers immediately.  Login and try it now!

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