Why you should be using targeted groups in your SMS marketing and communications: Part III

No matter what kind of organization you run, there are plenty of good reasons to create multiple, targeted groups in your SMS messaging program.  In the final installment of this three part series, we’ll look at how churches and religious organizations use this simple but powerful tactic to maximum effect.

As background, a group means a distinct set of people that you intend to send text messages to. Some people call this a keyword, others call it a list, we call it a group. Whatever you call it, this post is about why having more of them is usually better.

A Priest, a Rabbi, and a Youth Group Pastor walk into a bar…
It might not seem intuitive on the surface but places of worship face many of the same challenges that small to medium-sized businesses face. Specifically, how to serve the needs of an existing audience in the most appropriate and sensitive way, while communicating outwardly all that the organization offers.

Some of the churches TextMarks works with are segmenting for men’s groups, women’s groups, and youth groups. Not to mention bible study classes, volunteer efforts, fundraising, special events promotion, general announcements, taking attendance, asking for prayer requests, and even communicating with staff.

In fact, one church is doing it all and using bulk text messages to send quick, daily sermons to parishioners who are away at college or living on the other side of the world serving in America’s Armed Forces. That church will not likely find a single individual who wants or needs to be on all those lists simultaneously so for them, multiple groups is the only solution.

What do your groups look like?
Marketers sometimes call this “segmentation.” But don’t let the lingo intimidate you; it’s not that complicated. Take a few minutes to think about the various groups your organization serves and how a segmented approach might help you achieve greater success. Or better yet, let us help you brainstorm. Reach out to us on Twitter @TextMarks!

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