5 Internal Communication Trends for 2018

internal communication trends - send texts to employees

Technology is rapidly progressing every year and 2018 is no different. While there are many advancements being made in the digital world, tech that improves your productivity and internal communications are not something you quickly think of and highly anticipate for the new year — but you should.

Communication in the workplace is not only essential for the success of your company but the happiness and overall job satisfaction of your employees. Here are five internal communication trends that will improve how you connect in the workplace and will make 2018 a year of success in your business.

Consolidated Social Networks

Social media is booming and it is almost essential to a company’s success. However, many companies just create a plethora of social media channels to gain traffic. The networks have no connection to one another, they are random and some networks receive all the attention and others are low on the priority list. In 2018, you’ll want to consolidate your social media channels and find tools that allow you to communicate online with followers and those within your own company.

Text Messaging to Reach Staff

In the past, email was the main form of communication between employees. Now, it is so well-known and well-received that many individuals aren’t reading emails like they used to. Inboxes are becoming too full that if messages aren’t urgent, they aren’t read. Text messaging is an excellent option if you want to reach staff immediately and want to improve responses from others. It enables you to send reminders, provide safety notifications, schedule staff, distribute new assignments, answer questions and more, regardless of where you are and what you are doing.

Utilizing A Universal Management System

If your company is large, each department may be utilizing a different management system. The system of choice for each department may integrate well with certain platforms and applications, is simple to use and often, employees just don’t want to change. However, there are several enterprise management systems that allow the entire company to communicate with one another within one application and interface.

With many enterprise management systems, you can send documents back and forth with ease, receive company-wide messages, send approvals, view documents, access contracts and more. Additionally, many of the best systems will integrate with numerous platforms, making it easy for all departments to still utilize their favorite programs to accomplish their jobs. Additionally, if you are worried about documents or content falling into the wrong hands, these applications have ample security and privacy features for every single piece of content.

Creating and Sharing Videos

Video has quickly taken center stage on social media and even within our own companies. Video trainings, video conferences and marketing videos are all popular ways we reach within our own companies and keep business flowing. Video is particularly beneficial if you have several remote employees as it allows you to still receive face-to-face communication without the employees traveling.

Becoming More Mobile

While many companies have taken great strides in becoming extremely mobile, others have yet to grasp how being mobile can take them a step above the competition, increase sales and reach a younger generation. If your company hasn’t taken the step into the mobile world, 2018 is the year to step it up. Utilize mobile apps on smartphones and tablets to increase productivity, text employees, integrate calendars and more. Utilizing mobile technology changes how you communicate with one another, when and where work is completed and how you attract both employees, generate leads and even engage customers.


Interested in learning more about sending text messages to your employees? Call us at 800-696-1393 or email tmsales@textmarks.com.

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